You know how you have an idea in your mind for a card and you carry it around in there for days? Sometimes it's weeks because you don't have the stamps yet but you know that card is in there percolating.
That's what happened with this card. I saw these Claudine Hellmuth stamps and didn't buy them for weeks. Then because I really wanted them, they were shipped to me on a slow boat from China.
They arrived today and I wasn't home 45 minutes before I was working away. This is exactly what I thought the card would look like. I just love it when my hands can do what my mind is thinking. I hope my new neighbor likes it because I sure had fun making it.
Like this card very much! Also, all of your posts on your blog are great cards! keep up the good works! NOW your blog can't say "NO COMMENTS'!! ha! Nelda
ReplyDeleteThanks, Nelda. I was thinking if I could draw a tiny Christmas Wreath, I could use on the houses for a Christmas card.